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How to Rent an Apartment

Renting an apartment is a fun and exciting experience, especially the first time! You are finally getting out from the tyranny of your family dwelling and getting a firsthand look at the world of independence and personal responsibility. But first, you have to have somewhere to live, right?

With the help of rental property management in Calgary, we look at how to rent an apartment in detail below. Deciding on your needs, looking at the housing market and what to expect at the showing are major parts of the discussion.

Calgary Property Management Company’s Advice for First Time Apartment Rentals

What are your needs?

The first step in finding your new home is deciding what you are looking for and what you can afford. If you are planning to live with roommates, are they your friends, or are you comfortable living with strangers? Are you looking to rent a house, apartment, condo or just a room? Do you need a kitchen to make meals, and what is your monthly budget for housing?

A young attractive asian woman is interviewing for a job. Her interviewers are diverse. Human resources manager conducting job interview with applicants in office

The list of questions is long and exhaustive if you are trying to accommodate everyone’s unique requirements. Instead, it is best to ask yourself what matters most and use that as a starting point. 

What is the housing market like?

Next, you will have to look at what homes are available in your preferred area. It is fine and dandy to make the ideal plan, but if you want to live next to your work downtown, you might need to readjust your expectations. Similarly, the trendy neighbourhoods of Kensington and Inglewood are appealing to consumers, but they might not be affordable for residents just starting in their first home.

What to expect at a showing 

Finally, the time has come. You’ve found a place to rent. They have a great Calgary property management company working on the building, and you are set to go for a showing. What should you look for when you see the place in person? Consider these items:

  • How old is the building?
  • What are the utility costs typically, and what is the agreement with the owner?
  • Do the taps deliver reliable water pressure and temperature?
  • What is accessing the apartment like (stairs, separate entrance, etc.)?
  • Where can you park your vehicle (if applicable?)

Over time you will build your own list of questions and qualifications for future homes, but this list should give you a reference of how nuanced or general it can get. We wish you the best of luck with this new and exciting chapter in your life. Of course, if you want further advice or information, consider contact our Calgary property management team!

New Leaf Properties is a group of dedicated professionals with expertise in managing residential properties for over 25 years. We offer a fresh approach to property management for owners and renters.

Phone: 403-910-6480

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